Tuesday, January 25, 2011

After effects tips

After Effects tips

changing the speeds,
of your elements,

A nice but attractive BG color or image (simple can work too)

giving properties to letters,
as if letters are lighter than air,
or falling free from sky


we can very fastly  create worlds in After effects,
just all elements need to be in 3d layers,
separated at distances,
this gives us the illusion of reality.


to and fro motion as we suggest in animations,
goes well here,


donot stop,

keep taking peoples
from one thing to other,
captivating them,


an image moving in 3d looks Good too,
it's all combination of animations,
where variations with surprises adds to the appeal,


elements which are beautiful,
and animated
like loading bars,
which itself has an impact
on audience will be taken
happily by the audience,


After effects through zoom in and out,
can take audience to the whole world,
and to small streets,
to even micro levels of what the
audience is viewing,


there is cut angles,
(cut from one scene to other)
but in after effects we can have the whole story
through one continuous camera,
moving layers etc,

this continuation
shot with a lot of things going on,
(with zoom in outs)
can have good impact on audience

characters can be created in after effects,
through the mask,
which can be then animated to
produce good animations


clarity attracts,
as a new car attracts
more than old,

clear pictures as if
hdtv clarity attracts


a bell which is ringing


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