Tips for Good animations:
There are a lot of things which need to be taken into consideration while animating,
in 3d animation things should keep moving,
like a leg,
if no idea or anything to and fro motion also looks Good,
what's important is that things should not stop,
people should not stop,
principles of Animations to helps a lot,
read them and when you learns to apply them
in your animations with practice you will see an added
appeal to your animation (appeal in itself is a principle of animation)
for example if someone sitting on a tree, (human)
he can have any part of body moving while he is doing his work,
for example if he is seeing something if for say he is in jungle over a
tree he can have his hanging leg,
moving to and fro,
this also shows his mood,
this also shows he is happy,
and likes what he is doing,
Anticipations do helps a lot,
if you puts anticipations in your animations,
it will look better,
before going back,
turns front small amount,
what ever the character is doing if he keeps
on doing anticipation over the whole of the
animation he will look a lot good
Expressions as usual as a sign of what is going on,
the script does a lot of work and has to,
and what one can enhance through this animations,
is through appropriate expressions for scenes,
body language,
of fear, of suspense,
what we know is whole of the scipt,
but when you animate,
you have to go deep into the character,
forget everything and be in the scene,
because for you may know that
a character will then see a particular thing in the scene,
what it will be,
you know the script,
but character doesn't
character is living
and you have to live with him,
give expressions that comes naturally,
and you will see the more actor you will become,
the more your characters will get,
the character will see something for the first time,
what his reactions will be will depend on,
what he see,
is it fear full ( require a fearful pose)
is he surprised and going to see what it is (he saw it for the first time in life)
is it something which makes him to run away from the scene as a fight or flight
natural response of the body,
some characters may prepare to fight,
some may prepare to flight,
all depends on the script and character
Many a times character enjoys the life he is in,
as almost all of us likes the life we are in,
or do not,
if the character enjoys the life he is in,
=> The character is in a life whether he enjoys it or not?
the circumstances,
make things real,
=> Never take animation for just animation,
it's a life over there,
=> you are not animating,
you are making your character live,
and respond in your own acting sense,
get the actor out of yourself,
be an actor everyday,
half an hour per day will help you a lot,
if you cannot
do it in your life,
practicing in the morning
for a while will be Good,
act like what you love to be
like spiderman?
harry potter?
your brother?
your boss?
your teacher?
what ever may interest you,
someday you may like to record it,
when you keeps becoming better at your own things,
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Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography - Language
12 years ago
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